Power Plant visit of EEE students.
On December 17, 2022, BAIUST EEE Department completed a Power Plant visit at “Chandpur 150 MW combined cycle power plant”.
A team of 43 students and 4 faculty members lead by the head of the department Mr. Md Kamruzzaman, Associate Professor visited the power plant of BPDB at Chandpur.
At first, plant engineers explain the whole process of power generation using combined cycle technology, in the control room of the plant. Then the team was divided into two groups led by Assistant Engineer A.L. Imran Hasan and Assistant Engineer Md Tajul Islam. The groups visited every section of the plant one after another. Students learned a lot of practical knowledge which will clear their concepts and increase their confidence levels.
After the lunch break, a quiz session was organized and three winners were selected and appreciated with the best performance award.
At the closing ceremony, Mr. Md Kamruzzaman, Associate Professor and head of the department, presented the memento to the plant manager and engineers on behalf of the BAIUST EEE Department.
The Department of EEE is thankful to Engr Mohammed Nurul Absar, Superintendent Engineer & Manager- Chandpur 150MW CCPP, for his kind support to arrange the visit successfully. Also, the department appreciates Assistant Engineer A.L. Imran Hasan and Assistant Engineer Md Tajul Islam for their superb explanation and demonstration of the CCCPP.