Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology

Cumilla, Bangladesh


General Policy

Conduct and Discipline

During their stay at the University, all students are required to abide by the existing rules, regulations, and code of conduct. Students are strictly forbidden to form or be members of student organizations or political parties, clubs, societies, etc., other than those set up by university authorities in order to enhance students’ physical, intellectual, moral, and ethical development. Zero tolerance will be shown in regards to sexual abuse and harassment in any form and drug abuse and addiction in the campus.

Expulsion/Withdrawal on Disciplinary Ground:

Unfair Means: Adoption of unfair means may result in expulsion that particular semester. The Academic Council of the University will authorize such expulsion on the basis of the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee. The following would be considered as unfair means adopted during examinations and other contexts:

  • Communicating with fellow students to obtain help in the examination.
    Copying from another student’s script/ report/ paper.
  • Copying from desk or palm of a hand or from other incriminating documents.
  • Possession of any unauthorized document, whether used or not.

Influencing Grades: Academic Council of the University may expel/withdraw any student for approaching directly or indirectly in any form to influence a teacher or University authority for grades.

Other Indiscipline Behaviors: The Academic Council of the University may withdraw/expel any student on the disciplinary ground if any form of indiscipline or unruly behavior is seen in him/her which may disrupt the academic environment/program or is considered detrimental to the University’s image.

University: The disciplinary committee may take immediate disciplinary action against any student of the institution. In case of withdrawal/expulsion, the matter will be referred to the Academic Council of the University for post-facto Approval.

Dress Code

Students are advised to put on BAIUST Uniform when they are at the University Campus. The guidelines for the dress code are as under:

Male Students

Shirt: Cream Colour (Full sleeve with monogram). Pant: Black Colour Shoes: Black Colour (with socks). Haircut: Trimmed. Coats/Sweaters (during winter).

Female Students

Kamij: Cream Colour (Full sleeve with Monogram). Salowar: Chocolate Colour. Dopatta: Chocolate Colour. Scarf/ Hijab (if any): Chocolate or Cream Colour. Ladies Shoes: Black Colour (with Socks). Haircut: Decent. Appropriate winter clothing/Shawl (during winter).

Registration Procedure

Registration will be done through IUMSS at the beginning of each Term/Semester by clearing all dues. In the student portal, a demo video is uploaded on the Registration process. The Registrar Branch (Academic) will publish a notice with a guideline of the registration process in advance.

It is absolutely necessary that all students must complete their registration process within a specified timeline. Late registration is, however, permitted on payment of a late registration fee of tk. 2,000.

It is also mentioned that tk. 200 will be charged for late registration of backlog, referred, and improvement

The following circumstances and rules will be applied for Re-examination/Referred Examination:

Students failing in maximum of two theoretical courses in the Final Examination in any Term will be promoted to the next Term, and s/he will be allowed to appear at the referred/re-examination on the failed course(s)/subject(s) at the end of that Term as per academic schedule. S/he must apply to appear at the referred/re-examination.

Students at all levels will be allowed to appear at the referred/re-examination on a maximum of two regular courses/subjects.
When a student appears at re-examination in which s/he previously obtained an F grade, s/he will be eligible to get a grade as earned in such a course. A fee has to be paid by the students to register and appear at the referred examination.

If any student fails in a sessional course(s), then s/he will have to appear at the sessional classes and exams to clear/pass the concerned courses(s) in any of the next consecutive terms. His/her performance will be evaluated as per the sessional marks distribution policy.

The student(s) must take the recommendation of the mentor/student advisor to sit for the re-examination of failed course(s).

Re-examination will be conducted from 3rd week of the semester following the Term-end examination.

The following circumstances and rules will be applied for Backlog/Re-take:

If the student fails or is absent again in the referred examination of the failed course(s) in the immediate semester, then the course(s) will be termed as “Backlog” course(s).

The Backlog student will be allowed to appear at the re-examination of the Backlog course(s) in the following term only once and have to clear/pass the “Backlog” subject(s) in the Backlog exam. Otherwise, s/he will have to retake the course in any of the subsequent semesters. Registration of a ‘Retake’ Course (s) will be done through IUMSS at the beginning of each Term or Semester just like any other new Course.

A student appearing at the Re-examination of any Backlog course(s) will be eligible to get a grade as earned. A scheduled fee has to be paid by the students to register and appear at the re-examination of the Backlog course(s).

A student will be allowed to appear at the Re-examination of the maximum of 4 (12 credits) theoretical courses (Backlog or Regular failed course(s)) in a single-term re-examination program.

The student(s) must take the recommendation of the mentor/student advisor to sit for the re-examination of backlog course(s).

The following circumstances and rules will be applied for Term Repeat:

If a student fails in three or more Theoretical Courses in the Term Final examination, then s/he will repeat the same Term with registration.

Students repeating a Term may seek exemption for that/those course(s) in which they have passed in the previous Term. If applied, then the previous grade of a particular course will be carried forward for his/her onward GPA/CGPA calculation. It implies that the student will not attend classes or appear at class tests/examinations of the concerned course(s) in the Repeat Term.

Students repeating a particular Term (for example, L-1 T-1) and failing again in three or more Theoretical courses/subjects in that Term will require approval from the Academic Council for further consideration.

The following circumstances and rules will be applied for Improvement:

If a student obtains a grade of B or below B in a course, s/he will be allowed to appear for the re-examination only once for that course for the purpose of grade improvement, and s/he will be eligible to get a grade as earned. A student can appear in the improvement examination for a particular subject for the next three consecutive semesters and can appear at a maximum of 6 courses in 4 years graduation program. These will be shown in the transcript.

In case of improvement of a particular course, the better grade/higher grade will be considered as the final grade for GPA calculation of the particular

The student(s) must take the recommendation of the mentor/student advisor to sit for the Improvement exam of the course(s).

Term Withdrawal

The following circumstances and rules will be applied for Term Withdrawal:

In case of severe sickness, which leads to missing more than 40% of classes (supported by requisite medical documents), student(s) may be allowed to withdraw the term and repeat the whole term with re-registration with the regular term in the next academic session, subject to the approval of Academic Council, BAIUST. S/he will get a W grade in case of such term withdrawal.

If any student does not attend more than 40% of classes without notification and prior approval, his/her term registration will be canceled, and His/Her courses will be treated as “Incomplete”. S/he will have to repeat the term with re-registration in the next academic session, subject to the approval of the Academic Council, BAIUST. S/he will get an “I” grade in case of such term withdrawal.
However, if any student appears more than 60% in classes but doesn’t appear in the exam after collecting the Admit Card of Exam, s/he will get an “F” grade in such cases.
If any student does not attend classes for two consecutive terms without prior approval and is interested in continuing from the next academic session, s/he will be penalized for each term and may be allowed to repeat the term with re- registration, subject to the approval of Academic Council, BAIUST. S/he will get an F grade in case of such withdrawal of terms.
However, s/he will have to complete the whole undergraduate program within 07 (Seven) Academic years from the date of his/her registration.

The mentor/student advisor must recommend such kind of term withdrawal.

Withdrawal from the Program:

The following circumstances and rules will be applied:

Failure to secure/achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.25 in two consecutive Levels will also lead to the withdrawal of the student from the program.
If any student does not attend classes for two consecutive terms without notification and prior approval, s/he will be permanently withdrawn from the program. In the case of Term Repeat, students repeating a particular term (for example, L-1, T-1) and if s/he fails again in three or more courses/subjects in that term will require the approval of the Academic Council for further consideration.

However, s/he will have to complete the whole undergraduate program within 07 (Seven) Academic years from the date of his/her registration. Otherwise, s/he will be withdrawn from the program. The mentor/student advisor must recommend such kind of Program withdrawal.

Withdrawal of Own Accord:

The following circumstances and rules will be applied:

Permanent Withdrawal:
A student who has already completed some courses and has not performed satisfactorily may apply for a permanent withdrawal.

Temporary Withdrawal:
A student, if s/he applies, may be allowed to withdraw temporarily from the program, subject to the approval of the Academic Council of the University, but s/he has to complete the whole program within 07 (Seven) academic years from the date of his/her registration.

Note: The mentor/student advisor must have to recommend such kind of withdrawal.

Recognition of Performance

  • Degree with Honors

Candidates for a Bachelors degree will be awarded the degree with honours if their overall CGPA is 3.75 or better.

  • Gold Medal

Gold Medal is awarded to all students earning a CGPA of 4 at the end of the entire program and the first position holder in each dept. earning a minimum CGPA of 3.8.

  • VC's List and Dean's List

VC’s List and Dean’s List certificates will be awarded to the graduating students based on their earned CGPA, considering the results of the entire program (Level 1 to 4). The required CGPA to be considered in the Dean’s and VC’s list award is as under: