In 2015 Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology (BAIUST), Cumilla was established with a view to offering global-standard higher education, time- demanding research, and pragmatic development in science, engineering, technology, business, and humanities. Like other faculties, the Faculty of Science and Humanities of this university fosters these objectives, providing students with required opportunities for transforming them into human resources through the attainment of learning outcomes that encompass the four domains—fundamental, social, interpersonal, and critical thinking abilities—as guided by the Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF). Such graduates are essential to building a “knowledge society” in the 21st century. At present, this faculty administers three departments, i.e., the Department of Science and Humanities, the Department of English, and the Department of Law.
At the very inception of BAIUST, the Department of Science and Humanities started its journey to conduct the courses on Bangla, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Sociology for the undergraduate students of English CSE, EEE, CE, and Business Administration Departments as required. To facilitate practical sessions for engineering students, the Department has the state-of-the-art Chemistry and Physics laboratories. Besides, the faculty members of this department are actively involved in research and contribute to the university significantly.
The Department of English offer two programs—BA (Honors) in English and MA in English Language Teaching— designed to produce graduates enriched with linguistic, literary, and research skills. That is why, the Department offers required opportunities for the learners to meet their academic, intellectual, and professional needs, routinely developing and following OBE Curricula for both the programs. These curricula help our students grasp desired graduate attributes including a mastery of English studies, wonderful communication skills, expected interpersonal skills, required IT skills, research abilities incorporating new approaches and dimensions, moral and civic sense, and patriotic zeal. In fact, the Department equally emphasises curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities for the students so that they can compete in academic and professional arenas in both local and global contexts. Very remarkably, the Department of English organizes seminars, symposiums, and literary talks regularly to acquaint the students as well as the teachers with current trends and tendencies of literary and cultural studies, inviting veteran academics of related fields.
Again, the Department of Law is committed to developing its students’ necessary skills to encounter their challenging needs academically and professionally. The Department, therefore, has designed the OBE curriculum incorporating modern legal courses for the LLB (Hons) program and is striving to become a centre of excellence for legal studies conforming to the latest development in legal studies and related professional fields. Also, the Department adopts appropriate teaching methodology with a blend of practical and theoretical aspects of legal education aiming to train the students to excel in theory and practice. Accordingly, the Department imparts fundamental skills essential for legal professionals, including analysis, research, writing and advocacy skills, training, problem-solving, mooting, and simulation, to the students. In addition, the Department builds close rapport with the local bench and bar members and arranges the students’ regular visits to the court proceedings. It has a moot court, a computer lab, and a rich collection of reading books and journals in the Law section of the central library. Successful graduates from this Department can choose their careers in diverse areas, like legal practitioners, university teaching, banking sectors, corporate houses, development activists, human rights defenders, compliance specialists, and staff members at different UN agencies.
In short, the three Departments under the Faculty of Science and Humanities build the linkage between pedagogical needs and real-world situations, thereby ensuring quality education, smooth governance, development, and research so that their programs can attain accreditations from the Bangladesh Accreditation Council. It is obvious that the Faculty plays its considerable role to accomplish the mission of the university, aiming to reach its vision.
Syedpur, Adarsha Sadar, Cumilla
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